Black-Eyed Susan Fizzle Out Much Too Early? 2 Reasons Why

19 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Black-eyed Susans start blooming in early summer and bloom all the way up until the first frost. If your black-eyed Susan fizzled out much earlier than this, below are some reasons why this may have happened. Taking care of this now will ensure the plant comes back beautiful next year and bloom until the end.

Not Enough Moisture

Black-eyed Susans are drought-tolerant plants, but they can only withstand so much time without water. If you go through long periods of drought throughout the summer, you will need to give it some water on your own. Feel the soil around the plant. If it feels crumbly and bone dry, it is time to give it a drink. Water the plant at the base to keep the water from getting on the leaves. This also ensures the water gets down into the roots where it is needed most. Put a couple of inches of mulch around the base of the plant. Make sure you push the mulch a few inches away from the base, however, as you do not want it to smother the plant. Mulch is very important, as it holds in moisture at the base to help keep the roots wet for longer periods of time. You can purchase mulch at a garden center. This is a good time to mulch all of your plants and trees also.  If you have problems laying the mulch, hire a landscaper to do it for you to make sure it is done right.

Red Spider Mites

Red spider mites cannot be easily seen, and you will usually see the damage before you know they are there. If you have these pests, you will notice small red spots on the underside of the leaves, and the leaves will start drying up. As soon as you see one leaf like this, immediately cut it out and keep a close eye on the plant for further damage, and remove any other leaves as they become damaged to keep the problem from spreading.

The best treatment for spider mites is to spray the foliage with a contact insecticide regularly throughout the growing season. You can purchase this insecticide at garden centers. You will need to make sure you cover the entire plant. Spider mites like to hide under leaves, in leaf curls, and under the flower petals. Follow the directions on the insecticide you purchase on how often to apply it.

Spider mites love hot and dry weather, so if you are going through a drought period, make sure you keep your plant watered.

Make sure you remove all foliage at the end of the year. If not, spores from the pests can survive the winter if they are attached to any foliage left behind. Keep leaves from trees cleared away also, as these spores can easily grow on them. For assistance, talk to a professional like Show-Me Mowing.