5 Tasks To Prepare Your Landscaping Beds For Spring

7 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Spring is a busy time for landscape care. You don't want to overlook the landscaping beds that border your home or add focal points to the lawn. There are a few important tasks that can get them in top shape. 

1. Debris Cleanup

Leaves, twigs, and dead plant material can litter the beds once winter snow melts away. There may also still be some dead leaves attached to the perennials, especially if they weren't cut back in autumn. Cleaning up the bed before spring growth begins is important, as the dead plant materials can harbor pests, fungi, bacteria, and viral diseases. It also clears off the soil surface so tender shoots can emerge more easily.

2. Soil Conditioning

Soil nutrients and organic matter need to be replaced annually to replenish what was used by the plants. Spreading a layer of compost over the soil and working it in between perennials will add both nutrients and organic materials. You may also want to have the soil tested to get a more complete nutrient profile. Your landscapers can use the test results to determine the best fertilizer application.

3. Support Additions

Many plants require support. For example, peonies tend to flop over due to their large, heavy flower blossoms. Peony cages are placed over them as they begin to grow, but before they bud. After flowering, the cages must be put away. Your landscaping contractor will put in supports like peony cages or trellising for vines in early spring just as growth is beginning. 

4. Mulch Refresh

Mulch does wonders for a flower bed. It looks pretty, thermally regulates the soil, and it helps retain soil moisture. Even more, it also helps suppress weed growth. Wood chip and bark mulch are great options for landscaping beds because they last the growing season, are attractive, and perform well. Each spring, your landscaper will replenish the mulch layer so that it looks nice and is laid to the proper depth.

5. New Plants

Spring is planting time, especially in any landscaping beds that feature annual flowers. Your landscapers can both help you choose the annuals to use and they can plant them for you properly. It's also a good time to put in perennial herbaceous plants, such as groundcover. If you have plenty of existing perennials, you may want to talk to your landscapers about dividing some and spreading them to new areas in the yard. 

Contact a landscaping contractor for more help in preparing your yard for the year.