Whether you are replacing the grass in a bare area or trying to start an entirely new lawn, you will have to choose between sod and seed for the grass installation. There are benefits and drawbacks to both, but the following information will help you choose which option is best for your specific needs.
Cost Concerns
A square foot of sod costs more than seed for the same coverage area. With both options, you will need to remove old turf and weeds from the area as well as bring in fresh topsoil, compost, and fertilizer to improve soil quality.
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When it comes to mulching your flower beds and landscape plantings, you have two choices -- an organic or an inorganic mulch. Organic mulches for ornamental beds are typically made from bark, wood chips, or pine straw. Inorganic mulches most often consist of pebble or rock mulches, but rubber mulches are also an option. This guide can help you pick the best one for your garden.
Soil Moisture
Moisture retention is touted as one of the major benefits of mulching.
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The idea that some people are just naturally gifted at gardening and others have a black thumb is a common myth. If you haven't had much success with gardening in the past, and are scared that you might not have a green thumb, then this article is designed for you. It's a guide to learning the tricks to getting that ever elusive green thumb.
The most important steps involved with getting a green thumb is to make sure you have the right supplies.
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Folks who care about gardening, want to be less wasteful, or just enjoy working with decaying plant material often are interested in compost. There are plenty of reasons to buy compost, but newcomers are often surprised to see there's a lot more to it than just encouraging a lump of dead plants to break down. When you visit a compost supply place the next time, keep an eye out for these four varieties.
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Your backyard area and its cool lawn have provided you hours of enjoyment and entertainment through the spring and summer. But now that the end of summer is on the horizon, you need to consider the health of your lawn and its needs to make sure it has the best chance of lasting through the cold and ice. Here are some tasks you can take care of with the help of your landscaper at the end of summer to make sure your backyard is prepared for winter.
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